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Financial Consultant

Mr. Ralph Holder


Since leaving Combermere school in 1984 my life’s work has been predominantly been in the insurance industry. CGI Insurance was launched by Bruce Bayley and I, Peter Harris with other investors in 1993 and we are very proud of the strides that we have made, and the innovations that we have brought to industry. For example, CGI was the first company to have a roadside rescue program, our popular Automate service. We built on the Automate’s success and with the feedback from our dedicated customers launched the householders version of this service called Homemate.

My passion for innovation has led me to the development of a number of businesses across industries through my management consultancy, PVH Consultants Ltd. PVH has done so well and the business in our portfolio has mushroomed to the point where we have started a rebranding process to the PVH Group. This is to provide greater synergies across companies.

I believe in continual development and have taken a keen interest in the development of my staff and community and support a number of training and goodwill initiatives. My friends know of my competitiveness. I am an avid sportsman having played hockey for Barbados both at the junior and senior levels and I still find time for this, and especially look forward to the annual Banks Hockey Festival. These days you can also find me on the squash court.


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Address: 3rd Floor, CGI Tower